Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19

Active Missionaries
Praying about who we will be supporting this year.
Please be in prayer for all the missionaries around the world as they spread the message to a people group that we can not reach.
You and I
You and I are missionaries when we step out of our home. In a field that those in other countries can not reach.
Join the mission
Join us as we reach this desperate town and area that is in such need of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Missions is more than the gospel. As we go out to this area in hopes to reach people for Christ. We have to understand that people are more than spiritual. People have physical mental and spiritual needs. Jesus saw this and taught this. At times the need to reach them physically could be their first need before they will here the message. Our church knows this and looks for those needs to be a miracle to them in need.